Amazing Avocado


I could make a litany of all the good things I have to say about avocados. I don’t really know how IĀ  spent so many years without them. I’m pretty sure I tried them first when I was around 10 years old, but being a naive, ignorant child, I didn’t really appreciate them at the time. Haha. Then I started reading about the amazing health benefits that this awesome little fruit has to offer and I decided I wanted in. Let me list just a few:

  • The thick skin of an avocado protects it from taking in pesticides, meaning you don’t really have to buy organic
  • Avocado is high in many nutrients such as fibre, potassium, vitamin E, B vitamins
  • Rich in healthy fats that are good for the heart
  • Can help regulate blood sugar levels
  • Has been found to protect against free-radical damage, meaning it prevents cancer
  • Studies have also shown it to prevent Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease and diabetes

Now on to the exciting part- how it eat my avo!

  • For breakfast, instead of the old butter and vegemite on toast that I used to have ALL the time as a little kid, I use avocado and ‘vege spread’ from freedom foods:
  • To make a healthy dip i mix avocado, ricotta and chopped spinach. This is great to have with carrot sticks
  • I LOVE avocado on sour-dough bread with an egg, a pinch of Himalayan salt or Bragg seasoning:
  • Make a creamy, healthy alternative to chocolate ganache using avocado, raw honey, good-quality dark chocolate, cacao powder and vanilla extract
  • You can even include some avocado in a smoothie to add a creamy texture. Don’t worry it won’t taste weird- I’ve tried it before šŸ˜‰
  • For a moisturising yet clarifying face mask, combine avocado, raw honey and a few drops of tea tree oil.

I really encourage you to include avocado in your diet. It has an amazing texture, taste and far too many health benefits to ignore. EAT SOME RIGHT NOW!! šŸ˜€